Service, Integrity, Results™

Judith Hull:

  • Founder of JH Lawyers

  • 27 Years in Practice

  • Consistently Named One of the Top Personal Injury Lawyers in Canada

“I understand each of my clients has an inspiring story of survival that needs to be told with compassion and integrity to achieve justice for the harms caused by others.”

Working Together

I advocate tirelessly for people who have suffered life-altering harms, including serious injuries, birth trauma, and wrongful death, as well as privacy and human rights violations.

As I advocate to achieve fair and timely compensation for your case, I believe you should focus on health and recovery. To that end, my team of legal professionals and I work with the best medical, rehabilitation and other professionals in the field to get you the help and care you need after suffering an injury or loss

We are here to help you get to your new normal as you put your life back on track. You don’t have to go through this process alone.


Meet Judith

In addition to being a fierce advocate for my clients, I am an avid cyclist, photographer, and greyhound foster parent. My greatest honour is being regularly recognized by my peers as an expert in my chosen area of litigation. Being President of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association and being inducted as a Fellow into the Litigation Counsel of America are two prime examples of that. That level of trust and respect is something I cherish.

Contingency Fees

Many clients want to know what hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer for their case will cost. Effective July 1, 2021, my maximum contingency fee rate for most personal injury cases is 30% except for medical/dental/professional malpractice cases which would have a maximum rate of 35%. Click Here for all of the information about my Areas of Practice and Contingency Fees.